What the president and his staff did proves that the emperor has no clothes and that everyone around him is stripped down as well. Worse, however, is that instead of just saying he got it wrong and was sorry to have panicked a whole state with one tweet, Trump made up a map, pretending it came from the National Weather Service, on which he drew a half-circle with a black Sharpie to extend the area the hurricane would hit to falsely include Alabama - all so that it would make it appear he was right about his original tweet. To have tweeted a dire warning about Hurricane Dorian for the residents of Alabama, without expert proof or evidence they would be in danger, is incredibly disturbing.
While the president has lied more than 12,000 times since taking office (and every time he does so, he denigrates the presidency, the country and the American people), this time it seems different.
Trump acts contrary to every measure a rational person would take. The difference between Donald Trump and someone who is sound of mind, who understands the heavy burden of the presidency, who takes seriously his role as commander in chief, who comprehends what a powerful bully pulpit he has, who recognizes that his every word can have profound consequences, is that Donald J. Yes, Trump is only human - though don’t tell him that.īut a sane human would acknowledge his mistake and apologize. Trump’s tweet was so egregiously false that the National Weather Service felt obligated to tweet out a correction immediately afterward, stating that Alabama was not in the hurricane’s path and no one in that state had anything to fear from the storm. Trump felt obliged to go on national television to double and triple down on a tweet he had posted earlier, proclaiming Alabama was possibly in the path of Dorian and causing panic in a state that was never in real danger. The problem with that map is that it was never the official prediction or estimate of where Hurricane Dorian would head. I don’t know.” We have since learned, according to a close adviser, that it was Trump himself who drew it. When asked who drew the black mark that was clearly not part of the official map, Trump said, “I don’t know. I am speaking about the moment Trump stood in the Oval Office and showed a clearly doctored version of Hurricane Dorian’s track on which a Sharpie-drawn expanded circle included Alabama in the possible path of the storm. His latest fiasco led many - including his former friend and communications director Anthony Scaramucci - to suggest he might be mentally unwell. There are so many things that President Trump does on a daily, sometimes hourly, basis to demonstrate his unfitness for office that the country’s head is spinning.